100 yard groundhog shoot is on!

  • Last Post 21 August 2018
Scearcy posted this 13 July 2018

The 100 yard groundhog shoot is on. We sent out emails to all former participants this morning. Details and rules are covered there. We are trying a reduced fee of $3 per gun in exchange for fewer practice targets.

The due date for completed targets will be October 1.

Any rifle other than rimfire and any sight will be allowed. The target and position rules remain unchanged however. Field positions w/o the use of a bench or a bipod are required. Cross sticks, fence posts, tree limbs, etc are allowed. I know a 36X scope is going to be of very little help to me from a sitting position.

If you did not receive an email this morning and would like one, PM your email address to me.

Ken Campbell, Gwarden and I are available to answer questions.


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bullshop posted this 13 July 2018

This sounds like fun!  How can I learn more about it ?   I have been a member of this group off and on for about 20 years always with the intention of participating in postal matches but to date have failed to do so, SAD !   Maybe its time to change that!

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Scearcy posted this 13 July 2018

First I need to state for the record that this is not a CBA sponsored postal match. The results will not show up in the match results area of The Fouling Shot. We started doing this informal match as an excuse to shoot rifles which might otherwise sit in the closet. If you look at the results from the spring match (posted in June) you will note rifles of all descriptions. You will also note that participant names are not list in the order of their scores.

PM me your email address and I will send you this mornings email. If you need I can also send you a picture of the target.


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Scearcy posted this 13 July 2018

Here is a picture of the target we use. It is an NRA target sold at various outlets. We supply the targets.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 15 July 2018

jim's pic is a " before " ... here is an " after " .....  ( g ) ...

my excuse :: terrible crosswind ... gnat in eye ...  lightning in area ....


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delmarskid posted this 15 July 2018

I practiced and checked one of my options on a 50' slow fire pistol target off of prone cross sticks. This was fun, challenging, and occasionally promising. My back yard range is next to the hogs pen. I think they were entertained by my verbal self abuse.

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Ross Smith posted this 17 July 2018

AHHHHHHHH! Rules I can live with, bring your gun and let's shoot!

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longhunter posted this 19 July 2018


Jim, Still plain base bullets? Or no Gas checks.


Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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Scearcy posted this 19 July 2018


Either plain base of gas checked is OK at 100 yards. We will separate the results.


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Scearcy posted this 22 July 2018

I will provide periodic updates for the next few weeks. As of this morning we have 34 rifles committed for the 100 yard shoot.  We are still over 2 months from the target due date so there is ample time to sign up.

I will mail the first batch of targets Tuesday. We may distribute tech sheets by email to save a little on time and expense.



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Dukem posted this 25 July 2018

Still waitin' for my e-mail.


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Scearcy posted this 25 July 2018


I Have obviously screwed something up. Coffee is on. I'll get er solved.


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Scearcy posted this 25 July 2018


Totally my secretary's fault! I would fire his behind but he would take my guns and pickup when he left. Please check your email to make sure I have it right now.


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Scearcy posted this 25 July 2018

The first target mailing is going out today. Look at your email to see if your targets are going out.


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Scearcy posted this 31 July 2018

I am mailing more targets today. Watch for an email.


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GWarden posted this 02 August 2018

Shot my first GH target today, challenging but lots of fun to say the least. I still shoot prone often, so getting into position at my age is still possible, not as easy as when I was half my age. Good military sling set up really really helps. Enjoy the shoot.



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Scearcy posted this 02 August 2018


I am a little envious. I shoot left handed but most of my rifles are right handed. Lately I find that to be a difficult proposition when prone and using a sling.


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GWarden posted this 03 August 2018


I'm a lefty also.


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Scearcy posted this 03 August 2018


OK then. I think I had better quit looking for alibis and load some ammo. smile

You have shot really well in the first two groundhog matches. Would you mind sharing your first target? I suspect it will be one of the best and it would be fun to see it.


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GWarden posted this 03 August 2018


Will try and post a pic of the target, I am not very tech. I still think that two soup cans with a tight string between is a pretty great way to communicate. Besides this 100yd match being fun, I hope I we can learn from each other to become better shooters. Have a great day.


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GWarden posted this 04 August 2018

Help me out when you send your GH 100 yd. targets. As you can see we all have it happen at times, looks like only 9 bullet holes, but when one turns the target over it is easier to see where two bullets are very close together; the shot in the top right is two bullets. So if you have this occur on your 100yd GH target, on the back draw what you see as two bullet holes together. Please draw around the hole with a pencil. This will help me to locate two bullets close together when I score the targets. Appears we will be having lots of targets shot for this new match. If your bullet touches the next highest scoring ring, it will be counted with the higher ring count. Have a great GH shoot.


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