David Mos Moulds - Group Buy

  • Last Post 15 October 2010
DavidMosMoulds posted this 30 September 2010

Group Buys availalbe.

Single cavity Moulds for group buys of 10 or more.

<>.17 cal to .50 cal....$85 each. Regular price when purchased individually...$115 <>.51 cal to .70 cal....$105 each. Regular price when purchased individually...$140 <>.71 cal to 4 bore....$145 each. Regular price when purchased individually...$190Double cavity Moulds for group buys of 10 or more. Cavities in the double cavity moulds may be of different cal. or design. <>up to .38 cal rifle onlly....$105 each. Regular price when purchased individually...$140Orders may be mixed, for example...4 single cavity moulds and 6 double cavity moulds.

Four cavity moulds will be available soon...Group buy price $175, Regular Price $225. Cavities can be mixed on these as well. And only up to .38 cal.

I may be contacted via email [email protected] or phone at (479)216-6787.

David Mos <>1282 Polk 71 <>Mena, AR  71953 


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CB posted this 30 September 2010

What material do you make the molds from? What handles are required? Do you have a picture?

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CB posted this 02 October 2010

I have three moulds made by David and they are absolutely top notch. I shot bullets from one of them in the nationals in September.

I use Lee handles on mine.

I plan to order another custom mold from him as soon as I figure out exactly what dimensions I want.


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DavidMosMoulds posted this 03 October 2010

They are made of cast iron and made to fit RCBS handles. 4Bore take custom modified RCBS handles. I will get some pics posted in the next couple days.


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CB posted this 04 October 2010

Are they cherry cut or lathe bored?

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DavidMosMoulds posted this 05 October 2010

All moulds are lathe bored.  David

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CB posted this 05 October 2010

I would like to see some pictures of the molds and of the cast bullets.



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DavidMosMoulds posted this 07 October 2010

Here is a pic of a 470NE. This is a typical example of my moulds from .17 cal to 4 bore.



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CB posted this 07 October 2010

Thanks for posting that.


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CB posted this 14 October 2010

Can you do molds for use who swage our bullets? It's just a straight “tube” with a bottom, sort of a wire. Each caliber to be swages requires a differ diameter of “wire"

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John Boy posted this 14 October 2010

David, would the group buy for 10 or more moulds price include custom bullets? I have an interest in the Ideal 375300 Doc Hudson bullet. A couple of other Hudson bullets in 32-40. I have the bullets from all 3 moulds

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DavidMosMoulds posted this 15 October 2010

Yes...the price does include custom bullets. Supply the sample bullets or a print, and all information including alloy, twist, throat dimensions, or any changes you want and I can produce what you want.



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DavidMosMoulds posted this 15 October 2010


I would need to know more about what you are looking for.  Feel free to call me.



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