Adding a few more powder cans to my collection

  • Last Post 13 September 2019
Bryan Austin posted this 24 August 2019

I should have in my collection soon.

I never really liked to collect old items because they always seam to get in worse shape shortly after I acquire them. Sometimes the only way to learn about an item is to sit and stare at it for hours!!!!!




Eventually the hidden information can't take the pressure and start talking!!!!

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gemihur posted this 30 August 2019

Those are some jewels, indeed. Thanks for sharing. 


I shoot, therefore I am

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Bryan Austin posted this 05 September 2019

Interestingly enough I purchased both books by Bacyk and Rowe ($100) and neither added any further information than Sharpe provides. Other than photographs of powder containers with a generic date of the powder rather than a date of the can, they are basically useless in my endeavor.

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Bryan Austin posted this 13 September 2019

I am a tad disappointed but over all tickled plumb to death!!!

There was actually a little powder left in all but one can, the Dupont No. 1 Rifle (Red Keg). It actually has some lead shot in

Dupont No. 2 rifle (Blue Keg) is the same color and such as Dupont Shotgun Bulk (green keg) but small granular size.
Laflin & Rand Rifle, red can (was hoping for Sporting Rifle Powder) is actually Sharpshooter..labeled load data on back. Granular is the same basic shape as Dupont and Hercules Sharpshooter
Dupont No. 1 (green can) also has the same basic shape as all Sharpshooter granulars
SR 80 is the same size and color (tad darker) than Dupont No. 2 Rifle (blue keg)

I will update photos here: 44 Winchester Cartridge web site

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