Can Cast Bullets Hit A Coyote At 200 Yrds ??

  • Last Post 16 October 2018
Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 10 October 2018

.. a couple nights ago this years crop of coyotes opened up in my back yard ...... which brought back great memories of 10 years of my life chasing the critters with trail hounds ... yep, maybe the best 10 years ...

... and also made me wonder if there would be any interest in a 200 yard informal coyote shoot ... i was remembering all the 200 yard coyote shots i had blown over the years with my varmint rifles and thought it might be fun to see if i could land one or two out of ten at that distance with a cast "" varmint "" bullet ....

remember, this coming from someone who has been a girly-boy dedicated plinker for 15 years ...  the hunnert yard groundhog is the longest shot i have even attempted for a long time now ...

but i think there could be some great stories to come out of lofting lead-only slugs way out there ..... 

... help me out here, suggestions welcome ... my scatter-brained approach to most everything has spawned several real fun/goofy ideas ... such as coyote varmint calibers only ... say not over 264 cal. ...  and 20 shots allowed ... heh,  ...   oh, i was even thinking this should be in mid-january, just like real coyote hunting weather .... but that one is a little too much for even me ... 

any suggestions welcome .... let it flow, i am impervious to hurt feelings ...



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Ross Smith posted this 11 October 2018

Need more of your thoughts. Also, at least .30 cal or you rule out a lot of us. Heck I'd even shot my .54 flinter.

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Scearcy posted this 11 October 2018

Gas check I assume, Ken? I think I would vote for including 30 caliber also. Many people have smaller caliber rifles but most do not have molds, sizing dies etc.

No benches or tables and no sand bag rests????????

The military guys shoot some impressive groups at 200 yards. A 12" black disc is much easier to hit than an animal target which is going to be hard to see with irons - just rambling.

The Hunter rifle guys can keep most of their groups under 4" at 200 yards. This is with benches, bags and windflags however.

My 243 is competitive with the 308s until the wind comes up.

Sun on the snow in January can cause really bad mirage. Shoot on an overcast day if possible.

A  scope with enough magnification to see your bullet holes really helps track wind and mirage. Small caliber holes are hard to see.

Enough rambling

Ross I would pay to see you shoot 200 yards with your flinter - almost. That would be impressive


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Scearcy posted this 11 October 2018

This should be the coyote


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longhunter posted this 11 October 2018


I'm in.  No limits on guns or Caliber.  Shooting positions yes. hunting style or X sticks ect.



Jon Welda CW5 USA Ret.

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Brodie posted this 11 October 2018

I would be happy to shoot at it with my Whitworth.  Hunting positions, no bags, back packs ok, shooting sticks, Xsticks. all that good stuff.  If Ken wants to use something under .264 let him.  One of the first Coyotes I ever shot was killed with a 45 acp.


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Ross Smith posted this 11 October 2018

Scearcy: yer on, course I may not hit it. I'll probably miss no matter what I shoot, look at my puxatawny pete scores.

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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 11 October 2018

ok, let us proceed with any cal, any sight, ...   heck, one of my favorite characters in our local wiley-chasing group was an old korean war vet that always showed up with an M1 Garand and 4 six-packs ...  don't remember him ever getting out of his pick-up ....

yeah, i think that nra coyote looks good ...i will order some soon to look at ...  i will then have some rabbits, some groundhogs, and some coyotes !! ... we use them for our local neighborhood shoot-outs ...  not everybody understands dancing pop cans ...

i had mentioned 20 shots ... in my world, this seems reasonable for a 200 yard coyote ...  heh, my most humiliating moment in my coyote hunting days was 14 shots at a goofy coyote that kept running in circles about 50 to 150 yards in front of me ....  i missed ... all 14 ....  the agony of defeat haunts me to this day ....

so is 20 shots out of the question ?? ...  hey, just one box full  ...

thanks for the comments ; keep 'em coming.






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Ross Smith posted this 11 October 2018

20 is fine. I'll still bring more than 1 gun and make a day of it.

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Scearcy posted this 11 October 2018

Well, Ross, you shamed me into reflection on my old 50 cal round baller and 200 yards.  Then I pored a tin cup full of Makers Mark and the guilt magically passed.

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M3 Mitch posted this 11 October 2018

ok, let us proceed with any cal, any sight, ...   heck, one of my favorite characters in our local wiley-chasing group was an old korean war vet that always showed up with an M1 Garand and 4 six-packs ...  don't remember him ever getting out of his pick-up ....

yeah, i think that nra coyote looks good ...i will order some soon to look at ...  i will then have some rabbits, some groundhogs, and some coyotes !! ... we use them for our local neighborhood shoot-outs ...  not everybody understands dancing pop cans ...

i had mentioned 20 shots ... in my world, this seems reasonable for a 200 yard coyote ...  heh, my most humiliating moment in my coyote hunting days was 14 shots at a goofy coyote that kept running in circles about 50 to 150 yards in front of me ....  i missed ... all 14 ....  the agony of defeat haunts me to this day ....

so is 20 shots out of the question ?? ...  hey, just one box full  ...

thanks for the comments ; keep 'em coming.



Actually, a Garand with Ed's selected heavy bullet loads that will work the action, might not be a bad gun for this sort of shooting. 

I would think that I could keep say 8 out of 10 shots on the vital area of a coyote using my old Model 70 from 1948, and it's M48 Lyman peep sight.  In good light of course, which is not where coyotes usually operate.





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Brodie posted this 12 October 2018

If you want it to be realistic, just one shot, or 20 shots, but the target has to dodge in and out of brush and cover while taking off for the tall and un-cut at 35mph.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 12 October 2018

ha ... i think the wood chip coyote at 200 yards will be enough of a challenge ...  i noticed with the groundhogs i shoot better from my EZE-BOY than i did when jerking the trigger on my various long guns ..

speaking of long guns .... not ... who is going to be the renegade that puts a few holes in wiley at 200  >>> WITH A HANDGUN  ??

another reason for 20 shots ...  hey Elmer Keith would have gave it a go, i bet !! ...  are we lesser men ??  ...............  ok ok don't answer that ....



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Larry Gibson posted this 12 October 2018

 Already have a couple of the

Rules please.......I'm in.....


Concealment is not cover.........

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Ross Smith posted this 13 October 2018

At our age, all targets are moving targets!

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Scearcy posted this 13 October 2018

Ken must be sleeping in this morning so I will frame where I think he is going with the rules and he can correct me after his morning coffee.

We have learned that the right number of rules is probably the fewest possible. These are fun shoots and participation is the number 1 goal. So the range will be 200 yards and I believe the target is going to be the NRA Coyote target. Ken is toying with 20 shots and I don't know if he has thought about scoring that target yet. Larry, if your coyote targets re of the NRA variety, could you measure the two "vitals" circled on the target.

We have evolved into bring your guns and lets shoot rules as far as rifle and loads are concerned. I believe Ken is still gathering input about the rifles to be allowed. The intent is that the shots will be fired from a field position. No tables or benches and no pedestal rests or sandbags. Prone, slings, cross sticks,( bipods, Ken?) are good. I even used quad sticks at 100 yards. I have been waiting to hear if others object to the use of quad sticks. They are quite effective.

So Ken??? What are you thinking?

As well as you shoot prone Larry, I wouldn't want to bet against you.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 13 October 2018

...   i am tickled to see some interest in this .....

mostly the few rules should be as the 100 yard ghog ... bring a gun and shoot !!  .. any cartridge except 22 rimfire .......  field position ::  if you might actually take this coyote hunting, you can use it ....   including bi-tri-quad pods ....   no sandbags ... 

one reason for this is these informal/un-sanctioned ( illegal ?? heh )   is not really oriented toward shooting a new record .... but putting a little LEAD through some gun that you find interesting to shoot ...  and maybe create a few good stories while doing so ...  heck i get a kick just looking through the results ...

the 20-shot idea ariz because i was thinking that since i shot a 41 on a giant 50 yard ghog a year ago i might need a few walkem-ups on a far distant coyote ...  maybe inspired by my ol BAR that had a 20 round magazine and you held low left and letter go ... 

one thing to be determined is when we might pull this off ... we need at least 6 weeks ( only 6 week-ends !! ) after mailing targets  to give us a reasonable chance to work in the shooting ...   we need to vote on this because i am willing to wade snowdrifts ( 400 yards per trip !! ) but would have to build a warm-up hut at the target and take a nap before returning to the start line ... 

if we start asap, it would be halloween before we could order and mail targets and that would put us into the snow season in the north .. and glacier season in the far north ...   but then coyote hunting is a winter sport ...

if we wait til spring, would this replace a spring groundhog shoot ???

some thought is necessary, then opinions are needed ...

thanks guys, this could be fun !! ...






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Ross Smith posted this 13 October 2018

I vote yes


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4060may posted this 14 October 2018

I'm in

How about night shoot with night vision scopes, or not, just a flashlight


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Scearcy posted this 14 October 2018

How about the head lights of a 1949 flat head ford. I really wish I still had that car.


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Ken Campbell Iowa posted this 14 October 2018

... the flatheads were breathing impaired ... but a modern chinese turbocharger would negate that little problem ... we used to overhaul our flathead under a tree in the back yard and run it another 60,000 ... which with farm duty and oil bath air filters and unfiltered oil was about 1 duty cycle ...  hey did you know the entire wiring system on those was about 23 feet of wire ...  don't remember walking home from some mysterious diode failure ...

oh.. cast content ::   farm pickups were a farm boy's bench rest ..


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