New use for Lyman Case Lube.

  • Last Post 26 July 2017
Pigslayer posted this 07 July 2017

So I was down in my little shop just making . . . stuff. Anyway I had to tap some holes to 3/8" - 16 thread in some 3/8" thick steel plate. Got ready to go & whoops . . . no cutting oil . . . in fact NO oil! Then I spied my bottle of Lyman Case Lube. I thought, well I'll give it a try. I've tapped a lot of holes & threaded a lot of rod & pipe & this was the best & slickest cutting oil that I've ever used! Wish I had a quart of it! That would be pretty darn expensive though.


If someone else had of done to me what I did to myself . . . I'd have killed him. Humility is an asset. Heh - heh.

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Ken T posted this 07 July 2017

Try STP engine oil additive.I believe it's the same stuff.I have also used Permatex gasket sealant for tapping harder  steel.

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Eutectic posted this 26 July 2017

For tapping blind holes I fill the drilled hole with bullet lube. Alox works, but just about anything would do.

As you run the tap in the lube is forced out and carries the chips out. Makes tapping blind holes a breeze.


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